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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A

Accepted manuscript available online (unedited version)

Enhancement in the Hg0 oxidation efficiency and sulfur resistance of CuCl2-modified MnOx–CeOx nanorod catalysts

Author(s):  Shujie GAO, Yongjin HU, Zhichang JIANG, Xiaoxiang WANG, Dong YE, Changxing HU

Affiliation(s):  College of Quality & more

Corresponding email(s):  Richard32@126.com

Key Words:  Hg0 oxidation; CuCl2 modification; MnOx–CeOx nanorods; Sulfur resistance; Oxidation activity

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Shujie GAO, Yongjin HU, Zhichang JIANG, Xiaoxiang WANG, Dong YE, Changxing HU. Enhancement in the Hg0 oxidation efficiency and sulfur resistance of CuCl2-modified MnOx–CeOx nanorod catalysts[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A,in press.Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering,in press.https://doi.org/10.1631/jzus.A2300276

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%T Enhancement in the Hg0 oxidation efficiency and sulfur resistance of CuCl2-modified MnOx–CeOx nanorod catalysts
%A Shujie GAO
%A Yongjin HU
%A Zhichang JIANG
%A Xiaoxiang WANG
%A Dong YE
%A Changxing HU
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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A1 - Yongjin HU
A1 - Zhichang JIANG
A1 - Xiaoxiang WANG
A1 - Dong YE
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In this study, a series of CuCl2-modified MnOx–CeOx nanorods were synthesized for the oxidation of Hg0. The addition of CuCl2 resulted in an enhancement in the catalyst's Hg0 oxidation ability, and Hg0 oxidation efficiency reached >97% from 150 oC to 250 oC. In the MnOx–CeOx catalysts, Mn4+ played the role of the active species for Hg0 oxidization, but in the CuCl2-doped catalysts Cl- also contributed to Hg0 oxidation, conferring the superior performance of these samples. The introduction of SO2 led to a decrease in the availability of Mn4+, and the Hg0 oxidation efficiency of MnOx–CeOx decreased from ~100% to ~78%. By contrast, CuCl2-promoted samples maintained a Hg0 oxidation efficiency of ~100% during the SO2 deactivation cycle due to the high reactivity of Cl-.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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