1 Dialogue@ZJU: With the members of the Eco Club 2741793 /english/2023/0320/c65141a2741793/page.htm ZJU International Campus 【Editor’s Note: Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on earth and is critical to the functioning of ecosystems. Biodiversity is essential for both aesthetic and cultural factors; it provides a rich heritage and a sense of identity for many places and their inhabitants, including people. In a response to obtaining more knowledge on biodiversity, a group of young eco enthusiasts residing on Zhejiang Universitys International Campus have established a students club with a mission to do their 【Editor’s Note: Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on earth and is critical to the functioning of ecosystems. Biodiversity is essential for both aesthetic and cultural factors; it provides a rich heritage and a sense of identity for many places and their inhabitants, including people. In a response to obtaining more knowledge on biodiversity, a group of young eco enthusiasts residing on ... 2023-11-13 static/picture/ce424c02-9970-4056-9c82-5f99413b4f09.png /_upload/article/videos/a2/25/f9d28c0d4ccbbf24c31503805930/74c32d4c-6383-4881-93d5-f561f86d2771.mp4 static/picture/ce424c02-9970-4056-9c82-5f99413b4f09.png (218) |
2 ZJU International Campus continues its commitment to sustainability 2476189 /english/2022/0117/c65141a2476189/page.htm ZJU International Campus OnDecember27,2021,theInternationalCampusreceivedtheISO14001:2015certification,aninternationalstandardfortheenvironmentalmanagementsystem,continuingtoleadintheoperationofasustainablecampus.RespondingtoChina’scarbonpeakandneutralitygoalsandundertheframeworkofAGlobalZJUforSocialGood(Z4G),ZJU’ssustainabilityactionplan,HainingInternationalCampushascommittedtobuildingitselfintoaworld’sleadingsustainablecampus.Sinceitsconstructiondatingbackto2014,aseriesofmeasureshavebeenadoptedtominimizethecollectivei On December 27, 2021, the International Campus received the ISO14001:2015 certification, an international standard for the environmental management system, continuing to lead in the operation of a sustainable campus.Responding to China’s carbon peak and neutrality goals and under the framework of A Global ZJU for Social Good (Z4G), ZJU’s sustainability action plan, Haining International Cam... 2022-01-15 static/picture/386300cc-9ea6-4fb8-882a-154a55bf94b4.png static/picture/386300cc-9ea6-4fb8-882a-154a55bf94b4.png (616) |
3 International Campus: a living laboratory for sustainability 2416274 /english/2021/0825/c65141a2416274/page.htm ZJU International Campus [Editor’snote:Today,ChinacelebratesitsninethannualNationalLowCarbonDay,acampaigncreatedtoboostawarenessofenergyefficiencyandlow-carbondevelopmentpolicies.Let’svisitZJUsInternationalCampus,thefirstuniversitycampusinChinathathasjoinedtheEco-Campuscertificationsystemandreceivedaplatinumaward,toseehowitcommitsitselftobuildingazero-carbonlearningandworkingenvironment.]CampusintroductionTheInternationalCampuscoversanareaof666,700squaremeters,withatotalbuildingareaof399,300squaremeters.AsofDecember2020 [Editor’s note: Today, China celebrates its ninth annual National Low Carbon Day, a campaign created to boost awareness of energy efficiency and low-carbon development policies. Let’s visit ZJU's International Campus, the first university campus in China that has joined the Eco-Campus certification system and received a platinum award, to see how it commits itself to building a zero-carbon l... 2021-08-25 static/picture/39d865f2-ccd1-4b5f-a693-495ea981deec.jpg static/picture/39d865f2-ccd1-4b5f-a693-495ea981deec.jpg (562) |
4 2021 Accounting Report on Carbon Emission Consumption for Int'l Campus 2523259 static/file/88f55399-b372-420b-b3c3-c70a2b1715c7.pdf ZJU International Campus 2021AccountingReportonCarbonEmissionConsumptionforInternationalCampus,ZhejiangUniversity.pdf 2021 Accounting Report on Carbon Emission Consumption for International Campus, Zhejiang University.pdf 2021-07-30 static/picture/ac1f7402-89a2-4d68-ad9f-1284fabb7481.jpg static/picture/ac1f7402-89a2-4d68-ad9f-1284fabb7481.jpg (0) |
1 ZJU scientists develop approach to transforming polyurethane forms into high-value 3D printing resins 2797393 /english/2023/0904/c65143a2797393/page.htm ‘Recycling Right’ Action In a world where used seats, mattresses, and insulated boxes are often discarded, the question arises: where will they eventually end up? Will they contribute to the growing problem of garbage disposal or find a way to be efficiently recycled? Polyurethane foams, a material widely used in many aspects of our lives, have long posed a challenge when it comes to their destination after being discarded.In response to this long-standing challenge, Professor XIE Tao’s team from the College of Chemical In a world where used seats, mattresses, and insulated boxes are often discarded, the question arises: where will they eventually end up? Will they contribute to the growing problem of garbage disposal or find a way to be efficiently recycled? Polyurethane foams, a material widely used in many aspects of our lives, have long posed a challenge when it comes to their destination after being discarde... 2023-11-13 static/picture/6efacde3-7169-4fc7-a402-5a875aa02e7a.jpg static/picture/6efacde3-7169-4fc7-a402-5a875aa02e7a.jpg (220) |
2 Student E Volunteer Association: Making technology accessible and sustainable 2782942 /english/2023/0710/c65143a2782942/page.htm ‘Recycling Right’ Action For nearly 40 years, the Student E Volunteer Association of Zhejiang University has been providing free repair services for ZJUers. Over the past year, the association has repaired a total of 1,764 devices, boasting a success rate of over 90%. This number continues to grow each year, highlighting their impact and dedication to sustainable technology.A unique team on campusThe repair site of the Student E Volunteer Association is in Room 204 of No.3 East Teaching Building on Zijingang Campus. Eve For nearly 40 years, the Student E Volunteer Association of Zhejiang University has been providing free repair services for ZJUers. Over the past year, the association has repaired a total of 1,764 devices, boasting a success rate of over 90%. This number continues to grow each year, highlighting their impact and dedication to sustainable technology. A unique team on campus The repair site of... 2023-11-13 static/picture/1797d014-5f84-4938-8f84-de1ca9771469.png static/picture/1797d014-5f84-4938-8f84-de1ca9771469.png (95) |
3 'Recycling Right' Action 2496990 /english/2022/0130/c65143a2496990/page.htm Recycling Right ‘Recycling Right’ Action Tominimizewasteacrossthecampusandraisetheawarenessofturningwasteintotreasure,ahelpfulhandbookofguidanceonwastemanagementisdistributedamongalltheZJUers.Wheredidthegarbagego?Approachesforclearingmunicipallifegarbagearemainlysanitarylandfill,high-temperaturecompostingandincineration,etc.However,withthepopulationgathering,thegarbageamountisincreasing,andtraditionaltreatmentmethodshasbroughtmanyproblems.lHarmfulgas“dioxin”willbeproducedintheburningprocessofgarbage,whichposesagreatthreattoenvironmenta To minimize waste across the campus and raise the awareness of turning waste into treasure, a helpful handbook of guidance on waste management is distributed among all the ZJUers. Where did the garbage go?Approaches for clearing municipal life garbage are mainly sanitary landfill, high-temperature composting and incineration, etc. However, with the population gathering, the garbage amou... 2022-01-30 static/picture/f024ba54-3752-4155-9a0b-0978e0922c8f.jpg static/picture/f024ba54-3752-4155-9a0b-0978e0922c8f.jpg (173) |
1 'Zero Food Waste' Initiative 2496991 /english/2022/0130/c65142a2496991/page.htm Zero Food Waste ‘Zero Food Waste’ Initiative Developingagoodhabitof‘zerofoodwaste’(alsocalled“光盤”inChinese)playsadecisiveroleinminimizingcarbonfootprintandprotectingtheenvironmentacrossthecampus.ThisisasnapshotofZJU’scanteen,withslogansof‘zerofoodwaste’settingbesidethePlatesCollectionCorner.Astudent-ledactivitycalled‘CollectingStampstoAchieveZeroFoodWaste’:Thestudentswhosuccessfullycollect14stamps(7timesoflunchesanddinnerseach)attheendoftheweek,abunchofexquisitegiftswouldbeprovided.Ahighlightof‘ZeroFoodWaste’Initiative:Ourteachersandstuden Developing a good habit of ‘zero food waste’ (also called “光盤”in Chinese) plays a decisive role in minimizing carbon footprint and protecting the environment across the campus.This is a snapshot of ZJU’s canteen, with slogans of ‘zero food waste’ setting beside the Plates Collection Corner. A student-led activity called ‘Collecting Stamps to Achieve Zero Food Waste’:The students wh... 2022-01-30 static/picture/bcd6d7fb-6342-4911-abec-93f4dfe780aa.jpg static/picture/bcd6d7fb-6342-4911-abec-93f4dfe780aa.jpg (199) |
ZJU researchers are driven to find more sustainable solutions on global challenges. We devote efforts to analyze and synergize the research strengths to make great breakthroughs in a range of pillars spanning from food and inclusive growth, good health and well-being, to energy and environment.
To increase our joint commitment to the SDGs and make more contribution to the society, concerted effort is made by the whole ZJU community in collaboration with our local and global partners.